Is Your Job Secure By AI?

As we all know that they have the AI ruling the whole world and creating new things and doing much work in less time.

So for that, the things will also be implemented in a business for doing quick and fast work, so in that case, most of the job will be replaced in the future by AI.

Here are the 7 jobs that can easily be replaced by the AI and the ML.

1.Customer service executive Yes, this type of the job is like answering to the customer support and most of the time we now see the robot will talk to us while we are in contact to the customer care.

2.Data entry and bookkeeping

The data entry book keeping job in future with easily acquired by the AI and ML model. Because these are the repeated jobs that can easily be done by the AI and the ML.

3. Proofreading

While reading more complex data and understanding that data, this easily makes some grammatical mistakes, and the sentence consent traction. Show the ML easily and AI will easily replace this. Also, we use most of the applications that give our AutoCorrect like Grammarly and mail. Also giving good word suggestions.

4. Retail service

In retail services when you visit any mart, there are many people who are billing in your items but now most of the big big players like decathlon are implementing self payment and self ordering.

5.Courier services

Yeah, has introduced many social and economic changes to the Delivery industry as a mill very logistic supply chain function drawn in already taking over courier services.

6. Taxi and bus driver

There is a 98% chance the sector will be completely automated by self -driving cars and won’t be long before fully automatic vehicles are over as per Los Angeles time to sell driving trucks to replace 1.7 million American truckers in the next 10 years.

7. Security guard

The robots can be easily replaced by the guards with the high definition cameras, and also redirect my interface that can detect suspicious activity so there is an 84% chance that will fully automate this sector in future.