Did you receive the charges for one 1455 Market Street Charge on Credit Card? This type of charge on a credit card may trigger lots of questions in your mind where this is place? What did you buy? Was it even you who made the purchase? Fear not our team will help you to take appropriate action on your credit card charges by providing a detailed guide on this charge.
Have you noticed a charge for 1455 Market Street on your credit card statement? It’s common for such charges to raise questions: Where is this place? What was purchased? Was it authorized?
Don’t worry, our team is here to assist you in understanding and addressing these charges. We’ll provide a detailed guide to help you take appropriate action regarding this transaction on your credit card.
Inside The Article
What is 1455 Market Street Charge on Credit Card?
1455 Market is self-explanatory as its name indicates this is an address in the United States.
This address is located in San Francisco, California, and is the headquarters of Square, a financial services and mobile payment company. The charge appearing on your statement is “1455 Market Street Charge on Credit Card” It’s unlikely the charge itself is directly from Square, but it could be a business that uses Square for processing payments.
What is Panther East charge on Credit card? Is it Legit?
In this place, there is a Pro business address. Here is some prominent tentative at this location.
Square ANC:- This is the company that provides financial services and mobile payment company. Its headquarters is located at 1455 Market Street. If you recently used the square for payment, then these charges might originate from their side.
This charge can be related to the cash app.
In a cash app is a person 2% payment service offered by the Sheikh some fees associated with the cash app visa prepaid card include replacing a card that is five dollars ATM withdrawal in the network is $2.5. These are the charges related to the cash app.
How to Identify your 1455 Market Street Charge on Credit Card?
Here are some steps that you can take for anything your charges
- Credit card statement:- Check your credit card statement and note the time, date amount, and merchant description that will help you identify the business name.
- Check the last transaction:- Check the past transaction and think back did you make this online payment by using your mail or authorized recurring subscription around the time?
- Contact your bank and credit:- You can directly contact your bank and the credit card provider. They have access to the information, including the merchant code. Will also help you to find whether these charges are legitimate or fraud.
How to remove 1455 Market Street Charge on Credit Card?
Before removing charges, you should know the legitimacy of the charge.
This charge can be legitimate. If the charges are valid then you can breathe a sign of really however it was recovering a subscription you no longer needed. You can cancel it through the merchant website or your app.
Potential Fraud:- if you suspect that the rental activities on a credit card are not done by you. In this situation, you can contact the credit card issuer immediately which can help you dispute the charges and the potential recovery or fund the mat. Also, issue a new credit card with a different number for in and security.
Final word
The possibilities of these types of charges on a credit card have already been explained and now understood what to do with the charge. Stay awarded to these types of charges as this can be fraud.