CSC Service Work Charge on Credit Card” on your credit card bill is from a company called CSC. They often provide things like laundry machines or air pump stations that you pay for with your card. It’s a normal charge, but you might not recognize the name at first.
Nowadays use of credit cards is very often. In our daily routine most of the time we use credit cards in grocery shops, Laundry services, and vending machines. Maybe sometimes you find some extra charge on your credit card like CSC Service Work Charge.
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Ever seen a mysterious “CSC Service Charge” on your credit card statement? Don’t worry, it’s not a scam! This article explains what it is. CSC stands for a company that provides services you might use with your credit card, like laundry machines or air pumps at gas stations. You’ve probably used their service, but just not noticed the name before. We’ll clear things up and tell you more about these charges.
Inside The Article
What is CSC Service Work?
CSC is a company that provides different types of services like Air Services and Laundry services to Homes and Commercial. CSC company has over 1 million machines in service, operating in the U.S., Canada, and Europe.
CSC Service Work Charge on Credit Card Services
CSC ServiceWorks offers two main services:
- Laundry: They provide commercial laundry equipment, leasing, and management for various locations including apartments, hotels, universities, and convenience stores. Their laundry services encompass washers, dryers, and digital laundry solutions with features like online payment.
- Air Services: They offer air machines for tire inflation and vacuuming, typically placed alongside their laundry equipment. These machines are also equipped with modern payment technology.
What is the CSC Service Work Charge on Credit Card?
if you made a payment by your credit card for any service from a CSC company then you will find the CSC Service Work Charge on a Credit Card. To know exactly what is charged by CSC you contact credit card customer care or you can contact CSC customer care.
How to Check CSC Service Work Charge on Credit Card?
You can check the Service chart from the CSC website. Login into your CSC Service account and check out your orders and billing.
If you Don’t Recognize a Charge
After reviewing your statement, if you still can’t identify a CSC ServiceWorks charge, you can contact them directly to inquire or dispute it.
- Email:
- Phone: 1 (877) 264-6622
Additional Tips:
- You can include details like the date and amount of the charge in your communication for faster resolution.
- Consider mentioning their business hours for phone support if applicable
Final Word
Always review your credit card charges if you doubt that this charge should not be on your credit card statement then contact your credit card customer care number. CSC Service Work charges are from CSC company. if you have used any service from the company then charges are subject to what service you used.